To the last days of Summer...

So here we are, at the end of another glorious summer of beautiful warm days and beaches, long island cocktails and late night parties. It's not that I hate Winter, the whole brooding thing is cute for a while, but the harsh Winter in Cape Town makes it a little bit difficult. I dread the fact that I can't layer as well as the Europeans do. I dread the fact of always being sick. I dread the fact that I need at least 50 pairs of boots to not die of depression. I also hate the fact that I do not have a designer umbrella to protect me from the harsh water falling from the skies.

I will march forth in any case, I will make do with the outer wear and shoes that I have, I will see Winter as a challenge for me to put together some outfits which I have never thought of, and with hot chocolate, my fashion magazines and the beautiful music of Bon Iver I will make it through this season.